City of Grand Prairie

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service


Founded in 1952, the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is a public service provided by a reserve (volunteer) communications group within government agencies in times of extraordinary need. During periods of RACES activation, certified unpaid personnel are called upon to perform many tasks for the government agencies they serve. Although the exact nature of each activation will be different, the common thread is communications.
The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service is an organization of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time and equipment to provide supplemental communication to local, county and state governments in times of emergency or natural disaster. RACES Nets are authorized by the Federal Communications Commission per Part 97, Subpart E and the local Emergency Management offices. A major function performed by RACES in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is providing information to the National Weather Service during severe weather.



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Find Us On The AirPrimary Repeater:444.8 (+ 110.9) AL7HH repeater.441.3 (+ 229.1) KG5PJS repeater.  Permanently offline.Primary Simplex:147.555 Simplex (backup frequency)During Severe Weather Activation:(Weather reporting is by county)Dallas - 146.88 repeaterTarrant - 146.94 repeaterJohnson - 145.49 repeaterEllis - 145.41 repeater

Our Services

We support our community by: Supporting federal, state, and local agencies with supplemental emergency communications during a disaster;
Providing SKYWARN ground truth reports to the National Weather Service during severe weather;
Supporting public service events;Supporting any event at the request of the City of Grand Prairie Office of Emergency Management.